Mabda Report 27.07.11

RISSC Report 27/7/2011

The Rush to Blame Muslims and the Meaningless Term “Terrorism”

For much of the day yesterday, the featured headline on The New York Times online front page strongly suggested that Muslims were responsible for the attacks on Oslo; that led to definitive statements on the BBC and elsewhere that Muslims were the culprits. The Washington Post‘s Jennifer Rubin wrote a whole column based on the assertion that Muslims were responsible, one that, as James Fallows notes, remains at the Post with no corrections or updates. The morning statement issued by President Obama — “It’s a reminder that the entire international community holds a stake in preventing this kind of terror from occurring” and “we have to work cooperatively together both on intelligence and in terms of prevention of these kinds of horrible attacks” — appeared to assume, though (to its credit) did not overtly state, that the perpetrator was an international terrorist group.

But now it turns out that the alleged perpetrator wasn’t from an international Muslim extremist group at all, but was rather a right-wing Norwegian nationalist with a history of anti-Muslim commentary and an affection for Muslim-hating blogs such as Pam Geller’s Atlas Shrugged, Daniel Pipes, and Robert Spencer’s Jihad Watch. Despite that,The New York Times is still working hard to pin some form of blame, even ultimate blame, on Muslim radicals (h/t sysprog):

So if this is somehow not considered “terrorism”, are we admitting that whether something is “terrorism” is solely a function of who did it?

Media blamed for Islamophobia in Britain

Brits are most likely to blame the media for Islamophobia in the UK, according to a new survey.Asked "which one of the following groups do you think is most to blame for Islamophobia in the UK", 29% of people blamed the media. 'Muslims abroad' came second, with 14% of the vote, followed by far-right political groups such as the BNP, with 13%. Eleven per cent blamed Muslims in the UK while ten per cent blamed politicians and government. Only one per cent of respondents questioned whether there was Islamophobia in the UK.

Stop Islamophobia Week (SIW) Established!

This year’s SIW was aimed at launching SIW and its message to the Muslims UK masses, their institutions and the groups and individuals that are active in campaigning against Islamophobia. In doing so, we hoped to have created a concrete platform geared to focusing and uniting on Islamophobia.

Muslim, Jewish, and Christian leaders meet in Jerusalem to discuss climate change and launch the new Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development.

Leaders of the Muslim, Jewish, and Christian faiths will be convening this morning in Jerusalem to speak out about climate change at an Interfaith Climate Change Forum.  Current environmental conditions in the Holy Land – including drought, the recent fires in northern Israel, dried up rivers, and environmental changes – have spurred the Council of Religious Institutions of the Holy Land (CRIHL) to recently endorse a Holy Land Declaration on Climate Change, which articulates a religious call to action against climate change.  Now religious leaders from the three Abrahamic faiths will be meeting to discuss the correlations between their religious and environmental values.

The panelists are all members of the CRIHL and include: His Beatitude Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Twal, Deputy Minister of the Palestinian Authority’s Ministry of Religious Affairs Haj Salah Zuheika, and American Jewish Committee International Director of Interreligious Affairs Rabbi David Rosen.

Invest in cultural diversity and dialogue - UNESCO report

Companies which invest in cultural diversity, whether at the management, human resources or marketing level, can benefit economically from it. This is one of the conclusions in the UNESCO World Report Investing in Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue, presented at the Organization’s Headquarters. This World Report aims to become a reference tool for cultural diversity.