MABDA Report 1/6/2015

Terrorists have no religion

National Conference on Interfaith Harmony has announced the Lahore Interfaith Declaration 2015 and termed the suicide bombing and all forms of terrorism as against the teachings of every divine religion including Islam.
The conference, which was presided over by Minister of Religious Affairs Sardar Muhammad Shahjahan Yousaf, in its declaration reaffirmed that terrorism should not be linked to any religion.


Anti-Hate Protest Counters Arizona Mosque Rally

The anti-Islam rally outside a phoenix mosque on Friday, May 29, was met by counter demonstration in which some protesters shouted “Go home, Nazis,” while others chanted “Love your neighbor.”

Friday's event is part of “an epidemic of anti-Islamic sentiment” that goes beyond protesting against extremism, Imraan Siddiqi of the Arizona chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) told Reuters on Saturday, May 30.


Muslims and Jews Spent A Day Of Prayer Together And The Result Was Beautiful

On a quiet California morning in May, a group of Jews and Muslims came together on a Los Angeles beach to pray.

The worshippers laid out prayer mats and the sounds of their chanting, in both Hebrew and Arabic, mingled with the crashing of the waves.

"We were just so surprised that we could do this together and it's very similar," said participant Maryam Saleemi. "It was kind of like an 'Aha Moment' that we're praying to the same God, why aren't we doing this all the time together?"