Mabda Report 19/05/13

Alabama Imam Presents Tolerant Islam

Carrying a message of tolerance and love, a new imam for Huntsville, Alabama, has finally filled a severe gab in spiritual guidance in the Muslim community's daily life, with a commitment to advance the cause of moderate Islam in the US.

“I want to represent Islam so that the people in America can see Islam as good, to see the truth of the religion,” Imam Ragab Abdelmoneim said.

Interfaith harmony: Imams to visit Auschwitz

A Saudi preacher is among 14 Muslim scholars from across the globe who will visit the former Nazi Auschwitz death camp in southern Poland next week as part of a Holocaust awareness and anti-genocide program, organizers said yesterday.

“This is an opportunity for imams who are influential in their communities to look at the Holocaust first hand and to go to Auschwitz, to see what that kind of hatred led to,” Poland’s Chief Rabbi Michael Schudrich told AFP yesterday.

Field of Muslim-Western relations as crucial today as ever

From the time Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses was published over two decades ago, when I was at Cambridge University, I have been fully involved in promoting dialogue and understanding between the West and the Muslim world.

I have met with great minds at the White House, Pentagon and Federal Bureau of Investigation, and spoken with rabbis, priests and imams, only to find that, despite countless hours spent as a goodwill ambassador among civilisations, there is a persistent, divisive misunderstanding between Muslims and the West, and it manifests in tragic displays of violence.